Monday, March 15, 2010

Our New Floor

This past week Holly and I decided to redo our kitchen / dining room floors. It's not a very big area, but after taking out tile, grout, concrete backer board, and additional backer board, it became a much bigger job than we originally thought.
(Isn't that how it usually goes though?)

Anyway, I decided to show you the fruits of our "blood, sweat and tears." And I am being serious when I say, "blood, sweat and tears."

Blood--Because I had to super glue Holly's hand shut after being sliced on a tile.
Sweat--Because that's what bodies do when you're working hard.
Tears--At 1:00am one night Holly cried when we couldn't figure something out (Wasn't funny then, but it is now)

Anyway, here are some pictures:


  1. Wow, looks great! What kind of flooring did you use?

  2. Looks great Clayton! Good job :-)

  3. THat looks awesome!! Is that the same flooring in the living room? I can't remember. It looks great! And I'm glad we're not the only ones who's projects seem to get bigger the more into them you get!

  4. Thanks! Yeah, I'm happy with how it turned out. We actually had tile in our living room that matched the kitchen, so I replaced that with the laminate that I put in the kitchen.

    Jody, that's a good question. I know it's made by "Bruce," but I'm not sure what the color is called. It's was more of, "Yeah, I like that one."

  5. Beautiful! Great job, Clayton and Holly, thanks for sharing!
