Thursday, September 24, 2009

"The Beard"

This weekend my brother is coming down for a little fishing escapade on the OH river. He and I decided to grow out our beards in anticipation for this weekend. The hope was that whenever we looked in the mirror it would remind us about the fun weekend coming up. I have another reason for it, but that’s for another time.

“The beard” got me thinking about something though. How often do we intentionally put reminders (whether verbal or visual) into our life that will help remind us of what is yet to come? Take goals for instance. (You do have goals right?) Then what are you intentionally putting in front of yourself that will remind you daily to take steps towards accomplishing them? How about life in general? What do you daily prompt yourself with that will encourage you and engage others to live life to its fullest?

I’m not here to answer these questions for you. In fact this is written more to get you thinking in this direction. We all have different lives and circumstances, so really what comes next is your part. If you get a chance let me know what works for you!
Hey…maybe it’s a beard?

(Although I've seen facial hair on women, this comment was more for guys)

1 comment:

  1. I've used a beard for a similar reason.
    Have you seen Rocky IV? In it, Rocky goes to Russia to fight Ivan Drago and he trains out in the wilderness while Drago is in a high-tech gym. Throughout the training Rocky grows a beard.
    There was a time in my life when I had serious spiritual work to do. I had some sins to get rid of and that took hardcore training. So, to remind myself of the training I was doing I grew a beard - just like Rocky. Every time I grow a beard, it reminds me of that time of training and growth.
