Tuesday, March 16, 2010


This past weekend my brother, his wife and 2 kids came down for a visit which was very nice! Well one night the boys were playing together on the floor and Owen (2 1/2) was "doing the dance." You know the kind of dance that little boys do when they "have to go," but can't seem to pull themselves away from playing? Yeah, that's the one! Well after asking him if he had to go potty, he ran to the restroom and grabbed the little potty seat off of the toilet and literally threw it up against the wall, because THIS WAS HIS EMERGENCY!!! All of this was so much of a priority that he didn't even care to close the door, which is how we witnessed this next part.

Now before I go on let me say, "We could have probably won $10,000 dollars on America's Funniest Videos!" See when he got off the big potty, he did what he was supposed to do. He got his own toilet paper "like a big boy," then he wiped his bottom "like a big boy." Now I wish I could say that it all ended here, but it didn't. Because after wiping his bottom, he directly pulled it up and wiped his nose without any hesitation!!!....
Yeah...that's how we all reacted too! "NOOOOOO!!!" is the only answer any of us had for this horrific scene!!! I instantly jumped to my feet and ran to rescue him! Thankfully there wasn't anything to clean off, but believe me...I scrubbed his face anyway!

TMI...maybe, but it cracked us up. I am honestly at a loss for why he even did this in the first place. Whatever the reason, I'm still a little scarred by that night.

I guess the moral of this story is this:

"Toilet paper is used to clean things,

clean these things one at a time!!!"


  1. I think I may refrane from giving him any kisses, for a bit and keep Miss Logie Lou away too!! EWWW...I can't imagine watching that! I know we will hear this story again tomorrow night, and honestly I can't wait!:)

  2. when reading your story all i could think is.....at the same age owen's dad (you) would have used the same type of logic. it is amazing what a few more years does to a little boy!! lol i love it!

  3. It was pretty hilarious.

    "Anonymous" better not start revealing stories of Owen's daddy. Let's keep those exactly where they belong...in the past :-)
