Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Super Glue

Super Glue is such a wonderful thing!

I mean seriously, I'm sure each of you have used it at some point in time on SOMETHING! I mean what else can you use to re-glue toys, pottery, your rear view mirror...and my all time favorite...SKIN!!! Which is where I'll pick up my story from this weekend.

Holly and I have been working on our kitchen floor by breaking out the tile that's currently in there. Well on Saturday, just as everything had been going smoothly with breaking up the tile, I hear a hammer hit the floor and hear Holly say, "Uhh! Oh no Clayton, I just cut myself and it's bad!" Nonchalantly I say, "Let me see." After seeing about a half inch gash in her hand, I told her to pinch it shut and that it wasn't too bad. Reality, yeah she could have used stitches. But what's funny is, we were too cheap to go to the ER. So instead I went and got some Super Glue that we had so I could glue it shut! (Now before you think I'm the worst husband in the world, realize that super glue is like Dermabond which hospitals sometimes use instead of using stitches.) Anyway the funniest part, looking back on it now, was right before I glued it I asked her, "Do you want to go to the hospital because it's going to scar."
Her response, "I don't care as long as you don't care."

...Now...I wish I could say that, right then and there we gazed into each others eyes and got mushy with phrases like:

"Honey, I'd love you with or without scars."
"Heck honey, I'd love you with or without hands."
"Honey, I'd still love you even if you were a vegetable."
And then realizing how deep our love goes for each other, we passionately started kissing...

...Instead it was more of us looking at each other,
as if to read the others mind
Holly: "You're really going to glue my hand aren't you."
Me: "...Yep!"

May seem silly to others, but I love our marriage!


  1. Ha! Love it! And that is exactly why we miss you guys so much! I can totally picture this whole thing taking place like I was right there! Too funny. Miss y'all and praying for you guys.

  2. Why don't you guys come over to the house and we'll pick up LOST, starting with season 1 and we'll run through all the episodes together. (My favorite is when everyone looks at the time then someones says, "You guys up for another one?") Hit play!
