Wednesday, February 17, 2010


If you're just tuning in, yesterday there was a MAJOR...HUGE...GIGANTIC...TITANIC-LIKE competition, (yeah, that big), as to who could guess how many pieces of Lucky Charms that were in the bowl below. Anyway I'm pleased to say that as cut throat as this competition was, nobody was hurt.

Okay, okay now getting to the winner!
As I painfully counted these out piece by piece, I came to this number...(which I will tell you right after this commercial.) Hey that's what they do on American Idol. Can't stand that.

The highest number submitted was: 615
The lowest number submitted was: 155
The closest number submitted was: 262

Actual pieces of Lucky Charms = 387
So the WINNER to this competition is...............


For all of you who submitted numbers, thanks for playing and I hope you had a little bit of fun with this! Special thanks goes to the makers of Lucky Charms for providing the tools for this strange, but fun competition. And for coming up with the phrase, "They're Magically Delicious" which is just fun to say!

1 comment:

  1. Yes!! Totally awesome!!!!! I guess it's my "lucky day" I crack myself up!!
