Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I've Got Friends in Low Places

I was thinking about all my friends today and I realized…I am really nothing like them. I mean I’ve got some friends whose lives are seriously messed up! For names sake I won’t give you their real names, but take “Tim” for instance. He is on his 3rd DUI/DWI and continues to drink himself further away from the success that he’s capable of!

“Brandon,” “Wess” and “Roger” all three have strayed from their wives for what seemed, “at the time” to be a better opportunity…only to embrace heartache and regret from a marriage & family that is now severed because of those decisions.

How about “Jess” and “Mitchell?” Both have experienced life in prison from making some STUPID decisions!!! “Jess” still continues to serve time because of his choices! I just wrote “Jess” a 2 page letter yesterday letting him know that he has a friend several states away that still loves him with a love that God has for us both…

You know something? I am SO FAR from being perfect! At times I let my inner turmoil and deceptive thoughts drag me further away from the success that God knows I’m capable of…like “Tim.” And like “Brandon,” “Wess” and “Roger,” at times I have let my mind stray from the love of my wife, and so have severed a daily joy from having a pure heart! And like “Jess” and “Mitchell,” I am guilty and therefore am worthy of being punished.

Here’s what it boils down to. We all need the saving grace of Jesus to be poured into our lives, whether we acknowledge that part or not! We are all guilty and worthy of judgment when we compare ourselves to a PERFECT and FLAWLESS Savior! But what we find instead of judgment is One who holds out His scarred hands and reveals a forgiving and redemptive love…then, in some Divine way, embraces us and empowers our broken lives with that love! THAT is what I have in common with all of my friends, and hopefully have with you!!!

You know, I was thinking about all my friends today and I realized…
I really am a LOT like them!!!

1 comment:

  1. yes, we want to think we are nothing like some of our "friends", but I guess just by thinking that thought we are more like them than we realize..
