Tuesday, January 26, 2010

"Tying my shoes"

Have you ever been so frustrated that you just wanted to give up?

Cole, my 5 year old, is just learning how to tie his shoes. Talk about a frustrated little 5 year old. He starts out pretty good as he’s putting the shoe on, then after about a minute of making the loop and wrapping the other shoe lace around it…things begin to fall apart. At times it can be kind of funny. I try not to laugh, but I don’t always do well at that.

Here’s how the process goes:

* He happily goes and gets his shoes
* Sits down, unties the laces and puts the first shoe on
* He then begins making the loop or loops to move forward
* Starts making the loop or loops over...again
* (Hhhhhhh)...(mad growl)…then starts again
* With a shaky, whiny voice says, “I can’t get it!”
* He starts back over…again…(I try not to let him see me smiling)
* Slams his foot on the ground and fusses
* Gets back to it and FINALLY get’s it tied!!!!
* Only to find out it’s on the wrong foot. (Now he sees me smiling)

Do you ever get that way? You try something over and over again and still can’t seem to win, till you finally just want to give up? Then other times you push through the frustration to get the job done, only to find out you didn’t do it the “right” way.

Why is that? Why do we have those days? It’s almost as if going back to bed is the best solution to that type of day. Regardless of what the “right” answer is, these days happen to all of us at some point or another. It may not be with tying our shoes, but it’s on a level that’s real to us in that very moment. I guess when these days find us, consider this…

Maybe it’s not that you’re doing it wrong after all. Maybe that’s just your way of doing it. Because when the shoe is finally tied and someone looks down and says, “They’re on the wrong feet,” remember this…“If they were on the wrong feet, then they wouldn’t be on your feet.”

That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it!

1 comment:

  1. Kalleigh likes wearing her shoes on the wrong feet. She tells me it's the way they fit best. I don't argue, cause maybe they feel better to her that way...at least they're on HER feet. :)
