Tuesday, November 17, 2009


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18, 16, 17, 20. Cole has been trying to count to 20 for the past month or so and got there this way! Well after some hard work and persistence, Cole is now able to count from 1 – 20…in the correct order! As you can see from the smile in this picture, my boy was pretty excited and proud of his accomplishment! So Holly, Owen, Cole and I celebrated with a round of Frosties from Wendy’s! Seriously, what’s better than a chocolate shake? (Besides a real one!)

It got me thinking. What are you working towards in your life? Are you working towards something to accomplish…besides just making it to Friday? Even if it’s a small step forward, I am convinced that we need to set goals for us to accomplish. Cole counted to 20. Honestly for a 4 year old that’s not a huge step. I mean it was something he needed to be able to do, but it’s wasn’t huge. When setting goals I think we sometimes think we need something monumental or BIG! I’m not discouraging that, but I think smaller goals are just as important. If we always set these BIG goals ahead of ourselves, we can get discouraged with the climb and walk away thinking, "I can’t do it!" And we believe that! But if you read my blog labeled, “I haven’t been able to yet,” then you’ll know that this is a lie! It’s not that you can’t, it’s simply that you haven’t been able to yet. BIG difference!

For me, I’m not a big reader. I wish I liked reading more than I do, but I don’t. So one of my goals is to simply go through several books this year that will help me sharpen myself towards becoming the man that I need to be! So far I’ve completed one book and I am currently going through 2 others. Not a big step you say? You’re right…for some! But for me I’m intentionally stepping forward with a goal in mind. One of my bigger personal goals is to go Skydiving! Not a big step you say? Now you’re just flat out lying! Actually for me it’s a HUGE step because I’m scared to death of heights, not to mention the falling and possibly hitting the ground part. It may not get me over the fear of heights, but it will be my approach to come face to face with one of my fears. Again, it’s my attempt to step forward.

This last part is important too! When you accomplish a goal you need to celebrate it with someone, even if it’s a Frosty from Wendy’s!!! As big or as small as your goal is, celebrate it! Don’t diminish your work and write it off as petty. Be proud of your accomplishment and celebrate it! Who knows, you might inspire someone else in the process!

Your turn…what’s one goal you have?
Now how and when will you move forward to accomplish it?

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