Monday, November 2, 2009

Just Another Day...

This past Friday was unusually warm for the end of October in Ohio. A warm front pushed through and bumped temperatures up to 80 degrees! So Holly, the boys and I decided to head down to the Ohio River to enjoy some fun in the sun! I set up a fishing pole to tight line, but the wind was blowing too much to tell if I was even getting a bite so I took it down. This opened the door for plan B.

With the woods right behind us we took the boys on a little hike and found some firewood that we started picking up to use for a fire. (Hey picking up wood might not sound exciting to you, but for boys under 5 it WAS!!!) We weren’t just after any type of wood though! It had to be wood that was dry and ready to burn! If you have never been down by the river and noticed the wood, much of it is dry on the outside but wet on the inside, from being soaked by the river. You can tell this by the weight of the stick or log. (Probably more info than you needed!)

All of a sudden…there it was! At first I just stared at it without making a single move. I looked at Holly, who was right beside me, then quickly looked at the boys to see if they saw it too. It was HUGE and even seemed a little dangerous at first! But being the man that I am, I quickly ran towards it…grabbed it…and it lifted me off of the ground! That rope swing was AWESOME!!! Holly and I both took turns swinging on this rope, yelling to the boys, “Hey watch me!” (Almost as if our children were the adults!) They didn’t even care because, to them, breaking sticks was more fun. So Holly and I kept taking turns, seeing who could swing out the farthest. We did this until our hands hurt!

At the end of the night we asked Cole what his favorite part of that day was, he said, “Picking up firewood!” (Surprised?) The best part for Holly and I had to be the swing! But I think more than that, it was our ability to look back and know that we made a day worth remembering for us and for our boys! And because of that, October 30th, 2009 will no longer be...just another day!

Are you beginning to see what the keys to a great adventure are? For us it wasn’t a financial investment. It wasn’t even well planned or thought out. It was simply looking for a way to be free, have fun and willing to be a child-at-heart!

All of us will leave “today” behind as we step into “tomorrow.” It’s up to you to decide how it will be remembered!

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